Saturday 24 July 2010

GDP doesn't count…

The health of our children; the quality of education; the beauty of poetry; the strength of relationships; the intelligence of public debate; the integrity of our public officials; our wit and wisdom; our courage; our learning; our compassion; how we respect each other

Friday 23 July 2010

GDP Counts…

Air pollution; cigarette advertising; ambulances to clear roads of carnage; locks on our doors; jails for criminals; destruction of forests; loss of natural habitats for urban sprawl; nuclear warheads and armaments; armoured police cars to fight riots; guns and knives; TV programmes which glorify violence

Thursday 22 July 2010

Food Waste

1.3 million unopened yogurt pots are dumped every day in the UK, along with 440,000 ready meals, 5,500 chickens, 4.4 million apples, 5.1 million potatoes and 1.6 million bananas. WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme)

Tuesday 20 July 2010

EU Sees Solar Power Imported From Sahara In 5 Years

Europe will import its first solar-generated electricity from North Africa within the next five years, European Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said in an interview on Sunday.

The European Union is backing projects to turn the plentiful sunlight in the Sahara desert into electricity for power-hungry Europe, a scheme it hopes will help meet its target of deriving 20 percent of its energy from renewable sources in 2020.
The EU is backing the construction of new electricity cables, known as inter-connectors, under the Mediterranean Sea to carry this renewable energy from North Africa to Europe.

Monday 19 July 2010

Lloyd's adds its voice to dire 'peak oil' warnings

The Lloyd's insurance market and the highly regarded Institute of Strategic Studies (ISS, known as Chatham House) says Britain needs to be ready for "peak oil" and disrupted energy supplies at a time of soaring fuel demand in China and India