Thursday 26 August 2010

Dumping used plastic bottles in landfill can sometimes be better for the environment

Dumping used plastic bottles in landfill can sometimes be better for the environment than recycling them a controversial report claims. The study by Californian consultants SRI Consulting suggests in certain countries disposing of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) plastic bottles in landfill generates the least carbon.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Ecological Debt Day

21 August was ecological debt day: the point at which humanity used up all the sustainable resources for the entire year; in 1987 it fell on 19 December.

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Energy use in Defra

In support of the Prime Minister's commitment for this to be the greenest government ever, Defra is making real-time energy consumption data available for its main London headquarter building; Nobel House. All departments have committed to making energy consumption data available. The online tool displays real-time energy information in units of energy, cost and carbon.

Monday 16 August 2010

Did emotions evolve to push others into cooperation?

The next time you feel angry at a friend who has let you down, or grateful toward one whose generosity has surprised you, consider this: you may really be bargaining for better treatment from that person in the future.


Until people come to view simplicity as a state or characteristic to be desired, sustainability will always fall prey to the tragedy of the commons.

Dr. Brian Treanor, Loyola Marymount University

Thursday 12 August 2010

US regulator shrugs off climate deniers

America's environmental watchdog has rebuffed challenges to a scientific study it published declaring climate change real, man-made and a threat to human health and the natural world.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Model energy futures

DECC 2050 Calculator tool, a spreadsheet based model and fancy web interface that allows people to model their own energy futures. Details, including an introductory video tutorial: