Tuesday 31 July 2012


“Many world problems involve outer limits, but the generally misunderstood issue confronting the human (species) is that its truly decisive limits are inner, not outer. They are not physical, but psychological, cultural and political limits inner to people and societies.

There are hardly any world problems that cannot be traced to human agency and could not be overcome by appropriate changes in human behaviour. The root causes even of physical and ecological problems are the inner constraints on our vision and values. We suffer from a serious case of 'culture lag'.”
Ervin Laszlo (1989) The Inner Limits of Mankind: Heretical Reflections on Today's Values, Culture and Politics.

Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans

A formerly sceptical climate scientist says human activity is causing the Earth to warm, as a new study confirms earlier results on rising temperatures.
In a US newspaper opinion piece, Prof Richard Muller says: "Call me a converted sceptic.

Muller leads the Berkeley Earth Project, which is using new methods and some new data to investigate the claims made by other climate researchers.

Their latest study confirms the warming trend seen by other groups.

The project received funds from sources that back organisations lobbying against action on climate change.
Their latest study, released early on Monday (GMT), concludes that the average temperature of the Earth's land has risen by 1.5C (2.7F) over the past 250 years.
